Sunday, 7 December 2008


Do u know how it felt like when a lost person suddenly found his aim, his purpose of living on...

Well I know it very well now...

Although there is still plenty of things I am unsure right now,
But at least I found one of the important pieces now,
Even know it is just one of a billion pieces, it made me felt alive,
Finally someone is here to acknowledge my existence,
A goal that I can work my hardest to attain.

A shine of mystic light has finally appeared in my sorrow and empty life...

My heart has finally broke out of the dark & cold era into a warmth beautiful utopia.

<3 my life now
I wonder if it will get even better

I will never break my promise to u!
I will not throw u alone!
I will never give u up!
I will appreciate u to the very end!
I will ......